Q:What About Slavery In The Bible?

Q:What About Slavery In The Bible?

The argument can be summed up in this way, “does the bible endorse slavery? If so, isn’t that an indictment against God’s perfect moral character? Therefore, the God of the bible cannot both: endorse slavery and be moral.” Let’s see if the bible “endorses” slavery and what the bible means when using the term, “slavery.” Continue reading Q:What About Slavery In The Bible?

Repost: The Early Church Fathers on Jesus

Repost: The Early Church Fathers on Jesus

When the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) come to your door, if you get into a conversation with them on who Jesus is, you can expect them to leave a tract with you titled, Should You Believe in the Trinity?[1] At first look the tract seems well researched. It is when one begins to look more closely at it that it becomes obvious that the Watchtower is misleading its own followers and readers of the tract Continue reading Repost: The Early Church Fathers on Jesus